[ | mood | | | ] | |
[ | music | | | Mae - All Deliberate Speed | ] |
Well, started out with a bad morning at work. First I was nearly two hours late. Next I was just furious about the way we are treated there. Mrs. Hart went through the drive-thru though, it was nice to see a friendly face, but didn't help improve my mood much (although I kept trying to encourage it to improve my mood, but I was just adamant about being mad or something). And Patrick was trying to encourage me all morning, but I was just unreachable.
So, the chorus of Mae's song 'The Everglow' got stuck in my head, and I decided I'd go to my car to listen to it while I was on break. I listened to that real quick, and then listened to the song This is the Last Time a couple times. Mae really saved me today. Thank you for insisting they are awesome Lauren. Otherwise I may have never listened to them again. I stopped eating and flipped through a memo pad looking for a poem I had written about work in January.
Lock the windows and the doors
Or they're coming back for more
They'll eat you alive
Undermanned and underhanded
Overworked and underpaid
Keep it up and we're all gonna die this way
It was short and to the point. About the relentless customers on days that people decided to not show up for work. But since then my feelings have changed. The customers aren't the problem anymore. Now it's the people signing the paycheck who pay no attention to the fact that you're shorthanded and underpaid, and then when you quit they're like "Why?! Can we offer you some more money?" "Sorry, should have noticed and offered a few months ago when I asked for more money." But anyway I rewrote the poem, and directed it toward the people signing the paychecks. Christian companies should never have poems like this written about them, but sadly they do. I'm proof. Corporate Christianity is of the devil. If you have some time and are interested, check out the lyrics to a couple songs here at www.christianrocklyrics.com.
The band Project 86 writes a lot of songs attacking 'Corporate'. One great and frighteningly honest song is called 'S.M.C.'. It's a sad song because it's sad to think that this is where the world really is.
Quick Quote: "Big business ain't easy, I'm sure you'd agree. Especially when the product is eternity. To stay one step ahead we must achieve, and turn this holy temple into a factory. Is there anywhere you can run to hide from the thieves? Cause eternitys on sale today for a fee."
Another Christian band, Dead Poetic, has a song called 'The Corporate Enthusiast' which is also pretty cool (I think).
Quick Quote: "In pursuit of your polished altars, you dream in presidents. Sell your god, sell your faith, and market prices are rising fast."
Almost any song from Project 86's albums "Songs to Burn Your Bridges By" and "Truthless Heroes" are written about the devil within 'Corporate'. I know this band can get a bit frightening at times. But I don't think they're far from the truth, which is what's so frightening. But anyway, you can find both of these bands' lyrics at this website; www.christianrocklyrics.com.
Well, here's this entry's main point; the poem that I wrote today while I was on break. I sense changes and additions coming to it in the future (and perhaps a title wouldn't hurt... how does 'Corporate Conscience Calling' sound?).
Corporate Conscience Calling
{Working Title}
Lock the windows and the doors
Or they'll be coming back for more
But they aren't the ones that are eating us alive
Our biggest enemy is paying us to die
......... (Or so they like to deny)
Well Im sick of it
My life's worth more than this
Undermanned and underhanded
Overworked and underpaid
What will it take to get some appreciation?
What does ownership cost to them?
Because we own this place more than they
But they're the ones living life in luxury
And I have to leave all my friends behind
Because I can't even afford the rent I pay
Well what do they think of that?
Drain the life from our fingertips
Maybe if we fight back
They'll learn to be thankful for this
How will they explain their souls to God?
Maybe then they'll regret killing us
Simple "thanks" aren't worth much
But they're more than the insincerity were getting now
Perhaps Im just acting out
Playing well the roll of cynic
So you just call this a bad day
But Im not going back
I know that if we keep it up
Everything around is bound to break
And we're all gonna die this way
(Finished about 12:09, but still in the works)
Wow, I'm feeling really good about being angry at Chick-fil-A. Is that bad?
I think I'm getting better at keeping these a little bit shorter. Thanks for reading and for your continued prayers.
With Love
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