[ | mood | | | ] | |
[ | music | | | I miss the music, but not as much as you all | ] |
I woke up at 2 in the afternoon, EST. Ate some cereal, and then headed out to work. I used some bug-be-gone stuff around the outside of the house like my dad told me to do. Then I decided I would get to work on the hole he needed dug out back.
Does anybody remember me saying that I'd dig a hole out here cause there'd be nothing else to do. I don't remember who I said that to, if I said it to anyone at all. It was a joke... at the time.
Well, after digging a while, I headed over to the lake and sat there a while. I sat at a table for a while, waiting for people to leave. There were too many people there for my taste... which could honestly be possibly less than 5 knowing how shy or isolated I feel at times. After a few minutes, I felt weird sitting there. Not sure if people were looking at me and wondering if I was some kind of stalker or child molester or something. I just lay there on my towel, and faced away from the lake just so nobody thought I was looking. I acted like I was waiting for my family, and every time a car came by I looked... about 6 cars in like 90 mins.. Well, I had sort of been waiting for family, but my cousins never showed up. After what seemed like forever, maybe 30 mins. to an hour, I gave up on waiting, and decided to go into the water. It was slightly cold. I just swam out a short ways and swam in place. I didn't want to face the shore, cause I didn't want nearby parents thinking I was watching their children, who were very entertaining by the way. Reminds me of my childhood, where you just make up games on the spot, and take turns... Shark attack... Alligator attack... Fishing (for brother/sister) (with some sort of water plant life being the rod/line). Oh, at the very least they were fun to listen too. So I stood in the water, where just my head was out of the water, and I kicked my feet at the bottom, otherwise little fish came up and nibbled on my feet.
After I was in the water for about five minutes, a big group of kids playing on the metal island decided to go play on shore. Baseball, then later as I was leaving football. But anyway, I swam out to the floating metal island, and sat on the ladder for a minute, but remember what I said about fish biting my feet if I didn't move them, well something bit my back, and I think it surprised me more than it hurt, but I think it did hurt. I quickly jumped up on the island, and sat there. The wind was cold on my wet body, but I didn't want to get back in the water. I sat there until I was nearly dry. At first I stared out over the lake, then I watched some men working on the nearby dock. Occasionally I would glance over and see what the two little kids were doing. This is when they played all those games I mentioned. There parents weren't really watching, they were... eyeing each other... it seemed. So I didn't mind glancing over to watch the two little ones play. It was so peaceful out there. I saw an occasional turtle pop up and then dive again.
I watched the men work on the dock, watched the two play near the shore, watched a group of pre-teen boys play sports, and stared off over the lake.
When I was nearly completely dry, the little girl went to play on the playground, and her brother went to play with the group of boys now playing football. He had quite an arm. I watched everything for a little while longer. The men finished with the dock, and I decided it was getting time to leave. I didn't want to go back in the water. But after a few moments, I dove in and glided toward the shore.
I headed back home and took a shower. Then I sat down to play Prince of Persia (2): Warrior Within. I ate some Sun...kist (That's a drink right?) chips (I'm not sure what they're called). Anyway, I ate some of those... nearly a whole bag, and drank some apple juice while playing. The first P.o.P. was an awesome game. I highly recommend it. Great story, easy enough to play, puzzles that were not too challenging and quite a bit of fun to figure out, and the game was pretty short too. I beat it in under 10 hours the first time I played, not guides or help or anything. Well, I played, and beat it yesterday for the second time (just over 6 hrs.), and I decided it was time to get the next one, since a third installment should be out in November. Yes, the first was that good, that I'd be interested enough to play the sequels, even if I knew very little about them. So I picked up PoP:WW at Wal-mart and started playing last night. I didn't like it at first, but decided that it would get better once I learned the new controls, and understood more of the new story. I do like it more now that I've gotten further, but I still like the first one better (it's a hard game to improve on). The second one is entertaining though. I reached a particularly puzzling puzzle and couldn't get past it at the moment, so I decided I'd had enough video games for the day, and I headed here to my mom's office because she needed some files emailed to her.
I was inspired... just briefly on the way, and wrote a short poem when I got here. So that was the main point of this entry.
05/25/2005 (22:20)
Talking to the taillights
It's the best conversation I've had all night
And it wouldn't have lasted
Had the train not stayed our progress
On my way to the wires
To see all my friends
Oh my life is a fable
None of them ever knew me
But for brief moments of loss
Not just another chapter: 'boring'
Oh, not at all...
It was such a wonderful story.
If it doesn't express it, which is doesn't really, but I miss you guys and gals. The McKelvey's were leaving today for Texas, and Bible study was tonight. Student Venture is tomorrow. Anybody mind me bringing my dog and staying for a couple days. There's a get-together next Monday at the Hart's house at 14:00 until whenever. Bring a bathing suit and towel (and something to grill and a side dish, I think).
Well, the poem starts off, the taillights of the car in front of me looked like eyes. So that inspired all of this. Next, we were stopped by a train. So I put the car in park and wrote down the first few lines. When I got to my mom's office, which was a couple blocks away from the tracks, my mind was spitting ideas and surprisingly I remembered them... I think. Well, the 'wires' were the computers, or the phones... the only way I really talk to you guys now. And then I put in the fable and no one knew me, except for moments of loss... Ah, I guess it's explainable by itself. The end is expressing my surprise at knowing that I'm not just another boring chapter in life, but I actually have an interesting story, and you have shown me that you enjoyed it before you lost it.
Well, some odd stuff happened while I've been here at the office. I was checking some emails, and ended up at some random MySpace account somehow, and seeing a recent entry titled 'boyfriend application,' I had to check it out. Yes, it was a literal application. I couldn't help but laugh, and wish that life were that simple. I've thought about it before... It seems like it would be easier to interview girls, rather than date them. I just find out, first of all, if we're at all compatible, and then we can move into something from there. But I don't think girls would like that too much.
Anyway, It's about midnight EST, and I should be heading home. I miss you all. Bring me back, I beg you...
With love (to my 'hopefully interested and not bored' readers)
2005-05-27 09:20 pm UTC (link) | |
Dig a hole all of the way back to jacksonville. I miss your company very much. No one else at youth group appreciates Bright Eyes or crackers like you did/do. Please come back, and bring your mustang, too! Much love, ahh well you should know who this is |
2005-05-28 12:19 am UTC (link) | |
Who would I be if I didn't know who it was? I do long to come home. I hate this metallic, emotionless communication. I think at times it would be better to be in person or not at all... but... I do miss your dance. I don't know what was better, your dance, or your expression. "...We must hang up in the belfry where the bats and moonlight laugh, We must stare into a crystal ball and only see the past..." Memories are odd. Happy, sad... The ones that make you smile usually get you depressed within a few minutes. They are odd. With love, dear Little One... Matt |
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