[ | mood | | | ] | |
[ | music | | | mewithoutYou - My Exit, Unfair | ] |
This update's coming a couple days late, but it's okay. I got back from Cornerstone yesterday, and I was exhausted, but at an extreme high. The mood and music for this entry are how I felt when I got home last night. There were some great performances, and I got videos and pictures, and memories. I had a lot of fun.
When Lauren and Mike got there with there friends, I saw them, and Jason was there. I charged across the street at him, and was going to do one of those chest ramming things, but he was going for a hug, so at the last second, I rammed into him and hugged him... Bad idea... My shoulder came up under his chin and he bit his tongue, and my neck slammed down on his shoulder which just made my neck sore. But I was worried about his tongue. We asked him how it was, and he pulled a red wad of gum out of his mouth that at first glance looked like it was the end of his tongue. I was glad it wasn't his tongue. I checked up on his tongue the rest of the night, it was a pretty 'good' bite. But we had fun, I was really happy that he was there, he's so much fun.
I'll list the bands I saw, and some notes on the performance, if it was noteworthy.
Friday, May 13, 2005:
Mourning September (I just saw one or two songs and then wondered off cause I wasn't paying attention, but they were pretty good), Mute Math (About the same, saw a little bit of them, but was distracted, but they were good), Showbread (They were on the top of my list to see, just beneath mewithoutYou, and they were awesome. I have some videos of some of their songs, great stage performance), Roper (They overlapped with Showbread, and since I'd seen Roper before, I watched all of Showbread before I ran over to see the last three songs of Roper. I recorded half of 1985, but then my camera ran out of memory because I had taped so much of Showbread), The Myriad (I just watched them because they looked interesting, and they turned out to be good, but I didn't watch all of their show, I wandered off for some reason. I wasn't very interested in seeing bands play today, I think I was feeling lonely being surrounded by people), Pillar (I ran out to my car to get Lauren Gatorade because she hadn't had anything to drink for like 2 days, and so I missed the first couple songs of Pillar's set, but I only know a couple of Pillar's songs, and I got to see those performed when I got back with the Gatorade, so I didn't miss anything as far as I'm concerned), Zao, and As I Lay Dying
Friday night, after Pillar played, I didn't really know any of the other bands playing after that, so I was just staying around listening to them, but I wasn't really interested in them. Something interesting happened at the end of Zao though. A girl had been injured in the mosh pit, and was being carried out at the end of the show. We heard someone from the stage call for a medic. But while they were carrying her out, someone in front of the people carrying her just yelled at Lauren to get out of the way as they nearly trampled us. It was kind of funny, not the injury, but the getting yelled at part, and Lauren's reaction. Anyway, here are two things I wrote while Zao was playing. The second one might not seem real cut off, but I just cut off at the end, and lost my train of thought because we were nearly run over.
05/13/05 (22:33)
Here at Cornerstone
Having a great day / night, but as my interest in the bands playing begins to decay
I find my mind wandering
Looking at faces in the crowd...
I wish Megan were here
Happy memories
Like flowers and clouds
And things of God's beauty
Like your smile
Your giggle
My newly-found love
Of the simple way that you walk
The sunset at Jenny's
The jog that seemed too long to go by so fast
Your eyes
Your hair
Whenever you'd ride in my car
Your hands
How I could try to hold them forever
But that would be just like the rest of my life
Selfish to the core
And so I say my heart beats no more
But my eyes still bleed
Saturday, May 14, 2005:
Saturday was a really good day. The bands started at 10:00, and I wanted to see a couple bands that played early on, but I didn't get there until noon. It wasn't a big deal though, I wasn't too interested in seeing the bands that I missed, just a little interested. I saw a little bit of The Showdown, but after seeing Showbread, The Showdown wasn't too interesting. Showbread was amazing. I left The Showdown early to go see Joelle. It was a girl named Joelle, playing acoustic guitar and singing, a guy playing lead guitar, and a girl playing something like a bongo (but I don't think that's what they called it though). Her music was beautiful and worshipful. I wish she had had CDs for sale, or if she did, I wish I had found them. Anyway, this was one of the best shows of the day. Paramore was next, and they were good too, I took some pictures. The Kick was great, they kept getting louder and louder, and I kept backing away from the stage. But it was a really great show. The lead singer was awesome, he kept doing really weird things, like once he ripped his shirt, and said he was gonna curse, but then he said he wouldn't do that, and then later he said something, and the crowd started cheering and he yelled at them to "Shut up", and then at the end of the last song, he got the crowd singing a repeating line, and just walked off the stage. It was great. Forever Changed was really good, and I think I took some pictures from that show. I saw a little bit of Number One Gun, but wasn't real interested in listening to them at the moment, so after a few songs I went to the indoor stage to see Lovedrug. I wasn't really interested in listening to them either, so I walked out of there and ended up listening to a band on a small side stage called Candlefuse. They were pretty good. I walked over and listened to like on song by Brandtson, they were pretty good, but I once again wandered off. The Chariot I didn't really listen too, it was just in the background, and I wasn't paying attention. I went over to see The Pale Pacific, and that was a really relaxing show, and I really enjoyed it. After that the day was mostly running backing and forth from stage to stage to see bands. First was Emery, and I actually missed a couple of their songs, but wasn't too disappointed cause I wasn't really in the mood to listen to them. Next was Copeland, and I loved that show. I recorded a couple of their songs, and nearly cried while they were playing California. ("Come back from California, All of us here in Florida, Are starved for your attention" This song is a very strong reminder of Megan and I miss her dearly.) Next was Anberlin, and for some reason I'm never interested in seeing them live, but I took a couple pictures for Austin and hung around singing along for a little while. Lauren and Mike were there. I ran off and watched The Awkward Romance for a song, and then I went back over for the end of Anberlin. After that was underOATH, and I like them on the CD better than live. Someone was carried out of the pit with blood running from his nose or his mouth, I think his mouth, but it was all over the place, and he was cheering and splashing blood on people (not me luckily, but someone nearby got splashed). He was clearly dazed. I walked off and Lauren found me, and we got her a Showbread shirt which actually became mine, because they were out of mediums, and I already had one, and so she bought a small and we traded. Relient K was next, and I listened to their first couple songs while wandering around the merch tables, but I went back for the last three or four songs which were really good, I taped one of them. Then I had about an hour before mewithoutYou started. So I ran out to my car, called Lui real quick, and then moved some pictures from my memory cards to my pocket PC so I would plenty of space for mewithoutYou (I still ran out). But I ran back, and they hadn't started yet, so I ran to the bathroom, and ran back and they were just about to start. I got some pictures of the set before they started, but they're kinda blurry. Well, I could write about this performance for years and still not include everything. Let's just leave it at the fact that Lauren, Mike, Jason, and everyone that left early missed out. I was BLOWN AWAY. It was incredible. They were the last band to play for Cornerstone FL 2005.
Here's a short poem I wrote while Joelle was performing.
05/14/05 (13:32)
There's an image in my mind
A painting on my heart
Beautiful blue skies
Stretching as far as
The eyes of my heart allow me to see
So it's like eternity
And it always come back
When your memories return to me
And everything I can see there
Is this what heaven will be?
If you take me there,
Than why won't you go there with me?
And that's a brief look at my Cornerstone 2005 experience. Sorry if you didn't go, you missed out. As well as those that left early.
Thanks for reading
Hi Matt!!!
2005-05-28 03:18 am
Hey Matt
Just started reading your journal...it makes me miss you less, and more!
I feel like you're sitting here on "your" couch talking to us. I'm sorry Marianna isn't more fun lbut God won't waste the time you spend there if you keep listening for Him. Alone time doesn't have to be lonely. Lean into Him.
It's late so I'm signing off for now. Know you are missed, know you are loved.
Beth Webb
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