Monday, December 24, 2012

The Single Line Project

The Single Line Project

A line each day to create a poem and start writing and blogging again.

Keep an eye out (20120829)
They're hiding in the cutting grass (20120901)
Wait lay us down to rest (in peace) (20120902)
Rise before the sun and run!! (20120904)
Utterly overwhelmed (20120905)
Praised for what we must become (20120907)
Sleeping one eye opened for the sun (20120914)
Hidden like a child behind closed eyes (20120917)
As they plant the disease in us all (20120918)
Dreams keep me far from sleep (20120919)
Writhing to escape (20120920)
Forgetting the projected goals (20120929)
I haven't the energy for sleep (20120930)
When all things lost become found (20121001)
Under the blinding artificial lights (20121002)
Withdrawal to the peace of the mountains above (20121004)
Returning to be violently dismissed (20221005)
The painkillers now sleep me through the days (20121007)

As you can see by the dates, this didn't entirely work out. I wasn't disciplined enough to write every day. I ended up forgetting for a couple days, then I'd remember, then I'd forget again. I tracked everything in Evernote.
In the end, I forgot. The last two lines refer to drugs I was prescribed for an injury I received after returning from vacation. That led to my forgetting to write before I became too busy to remember.

I'm open to any comments and improvement ideas for taking on a future project if you think there may be a better way than Evernote.
I'm also just interested to know and hear from anyone who might be reading this.

Saturday, December 22, 2012


I miss blogging so much!!
I miss writing!!

I just spent the afternoon writing product reviews on Amazon. I finally figured out how to pull up a list of all of my previous purchases and I've slowly just been chipping away at them. The last review I wrote was for The Legend of Zelda: The Skyward Sword. That reminded me that I planned on blogging about the game early this year when I beat it. I think that was in February or March.
Lately I have been wanting to play the game again.

I also need to finish setting up the computer I built to use as a home media and backup server. Haven't blogged about that at all either.

... The next morning...

That was a crazy dream.
It started out in what seemed to be a bar on a cruise ship. At first I was hanging out, but then I was a waiter. Then all the people there were people I knew from my past, but had never been particularly close with. We had never really connected or been friends, and they were all females. Some from Ruby Tuesday (bar), then some from gymnastics (the ones I was serving), then one person from elementary school who later turned onto a person I know from work who looks like the person from elementary school. In the dream, after she became the person from work,  she was preparing to deploy for some muscle/strength/body building competition and she looked super buff and creepy. That part was weird.

It was actually a really cool place though. It was compact, like a cruise or RV (motor home), but it was made of wood and the entrance was under conduction.
The whole place was built into a hill and some construction workers were digging a hole to build the entrance. Further down there was a secret trap door entrance that led to a room with a huge glass ceiling with a beautiful tree outside. It was also extremely windy outside. At one point I pointed out a wind tunnel spiraling around the hill.

That's about it.

Friday, November 16, 2012

The Beauty, The Horror... of Rock that is SO RAW

I had forgotten how EPIC this CD was still is.

Showbread - "No Sir, Nihilism Is Not Practical"

Monday, October 22, 2012

Made for the Road

And so now a blog to clarify my fascination with meekakitty.
It's not that she's young and attractive and energetic... She is all of those things, but I'm married and about to have a baby.
I love my wife, and I absolutely can't wait to play with our daughter!!

But from meekakitty's videos I see something lost in myself.

The blogger.
The adventurer.

It's something I've felt constantly since marrying.
I long for the open road.
No strings, no responsibilities.

I want to go out and not have a place to live. Crash on friends couches... make friends in new places so I can crash on their couches.

Again, I love my wife and daughter (currently unborn), but in the depths of me, I yearn for liberty and the wild.

The last thing I love about her videos is how clear her morals are. She doesn't have to state them. You can see it.
Involved in World Vision. Looking for an apartment (doesn't smoke or drink).

Anyway, with that. I'm done.


A day in the Life

So I miss blogging...
I've been feeling it for a while now.


You know, I just live all up here in my head and sometimes I just need some fresh air.
So I would like you to join me, and take a stroll in my footsteps of today. (if you don't have time to follow all of them, at least follow the last step)

(Wobbly time travel effects, lightning bolts and such)

So today (among other things I've been working on)... well, actually, all the things I've been working on tie together. Well not all of them.
Researching and shopping for components to build a computer doesn't tie in at all.

Anyway, this morning I was trying to clear out my email inbox (~300 unread messages, ugh...)
Now down to 45, YEAH!!
So the following is about the point I stopped clearing emails and what follows will probably explain why.
So I saw an email from Tooth & Nail Records and clicked on the part that looked like this: (you can click too)======>
After watching the Zombie video, I watched the Dance or Die video.


 After that I saw several videos in the sidebar. One song, Cray Button (feat Lecrae) caught my eye. I like FF5 and Lecrae, but before that I wanted to check out something else. A video that seemed random and completely unrelated to Family Force 5. So this is what I clicked next:
 I didn't know why it was showing up, and I wanted to check it out. After watching that video, I saw this:
 meekakitty does Cray Button? Okay.
 So I clicked it.
After that, I was intrigued. I wanted to see the FF5 Cray Button video, but before I link you straight to the highlight of my blog, here's what happened AFTER I watched the Cray Button video:

I checked out the FF5 video for Wobble: 
After enjoying that, I checked out the new acoustic FF5 song Superhero.  Great song, I highly encourage you to check it out!! (along with all the other videos I'm telling about, just for fun)
At some point I went back to shopping for computer parts.
But then I came back because I wanted to hear Cray Button again...
And then I started watching other videos that meekakitty had done. Enjoying her vlogs (video blogs), it somewhat reminded me that I miss blogging. What made me want to write this blog though, was really the fact that I wanted to tell my friend Jake about all of this, but it was too much to say in a text message.

I watched meekakitty's video Creativity Block (who hasn't been there before?), and then Mirror, Mirror, which I shared with my friend Amanda

because it made me think of her, and all her video production stuffs.

 And just now I watched Real life is hard.
which I also liked.
I told Jake that Tessa (aka meekakitty) is his wife and just doesn't know it yet.

Anyway, after effectively stalking meekakitty's YouTube videos, and regularly going back to FF5's Cray Button video, with no further delay... Here is Family Force 5, Cray Button (feat. Lecrae & meekakitty):

And may the Cray be with you

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Still working...

Still working on The Single Line Project. I haven't forgotten. It just takes some time, one at a time.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Blue Like Jazz - A Note From Steve Taylor

A Note From Steve Taylor
Hello to my Cornerstone Festival friends! I hope this finds you well. Cornerstone has held a special place in my heart (and the ankle that I broke there on stage in 1984), throughout my career. As you know, Cornerstone is a special and unique place that has always valued critical thinking as a part of a passionate expression of faith. I'd like to think that you're exactly the kind of audience that will "get" the movie I directed, Blue Like Jazz, and that you would rise to the challenge of showing people that there is an audience for this kind of film. Let me explain.
I love our distributor, Roadside Attractions. They've released Oscar nominated films like Winter's Bone, Margin Call and Biutiful. They were the first distributor we screened for, they've got a reputation for both honesty and good taste, and they're genuine fans of Blue Like Jazz.
But at our L.A. screening last week at the Pasadena Arclight, the co-president of our distributor made a telling comment afterwards—something to the effect of, "Wow, Steve. I have to admit I was a bit surprised at the crowd. This was a youthful-looking, hip audience with intelligent questions during the Q&A. This is a lot like the audience for our other movies."
While I appreciated his candor, it underscored both the joy and frustration of bringing "Blue Like Jazz" to the screen.
We've been trying to tell people for six years that you exist. That there's an audience for an intelligent, well-crafted movie made by Christians that takes issues of faith seriously. No, we are by no means the first. But neither is it overstating the case to say that this weekend, April 13th, is a defining moment, as the success or failure of Blue LIke Jazz at the box office can determine for years to come whether or not like-minded projects get funded.
I have friends in Hollywood who love the movie. But they're trying to prep me for disappointment.
Our PR team has done a superb job. But they can't get coverage from key press outlets, because the national press simply doesn't believe Blue Like Jazz will register more than a blip at the box office.
And then, of course, there's the Christian Movie Establsihment, who may well be literally praying that you don't exist.
Do you exist?
We know we've got a record-breaking 4500 Kickstarter backers. We know we've got a record-breaking 1500 Civil Disobedience Street Teamers. We know we've had full houses at sneak previews from coast to coast.
But can we sell tickets this weekend - the weekend of April 13th?
We've had an historic series of events leading up to this moment.
But there's only one way to finish this story.
This is the week we need all our friends to join us in a nationwide "get out the vote" campaign. The theater list is finalized and posted on our website (we'll be expanding to other cities the following weekend) and Fandango is selling advance tickets. And we need you to use all your communication tools to help Blue Like Jazz have an historic opening weekend at the box office.
These are exciting days as we count down to Friday. Thanks to my Cornerstone family.