Wednesday, July 19, 2006

a moment on the brink

Blog from MySpace.

Current mood: dorky
Category: Writing and Poetry

I was thinking about pirates.....
I know it's silly... no making fun

07/19/06 (03:16)
Now we've got the wind in our sails
But I think we're getting nowhere
It seems there's a man overboard
And yet we're both as dry
As a man who's never sweat before
Contrary to what you might believe
Sunken ships don't always sink
And last time I knew
Treasure wasn't always shiny things
And angels don't have to carry wings
Now I hear she's up the creek
And everywhere she goes, she sings
But different from pirates' beliefs
Everything we'll ever know
Will come from tales
Whispered beneath the soil
And I hear dead men speak of nothing.

I'm in love with this next one!!!!!
Short... Sweat... AWESOME!!!

On the light of hope
I leaped up from the ground
In so much less than an instant
I found myself bursting among the clouds
And almost as quickly
As I found that I was up
I found myself back down
And sobbing in the dark
Dancing around the shadows of broken sound
07/19/06 (03:43)

And then back to my imagination again.

Remember to Breathe
Can anyone really blame me?
For looking for peace of mind
Just hush yourselves and listen
I just wanted a moment of time
I've only been searching for a moment
A pause
A brief eternity on the brink
Where there was nothing to worry about
But breathing
I only wanted to be close enough
So close that you can steal my breath
And all I have to do to live
Is remember to steal it back
I just want a moment
Where every thought in my world is free
And the one simple thing I have to concentrate on
Is breathing...
07/19/06 (18:09)

Currently listening :
All We Know Is Falling
By Paramore
Release date: By 26 July, 2005
2 Comments - 4 Kudos


Remember to Breathe is my favy! nice work. hehe
Guess what! i want to an art musuem..and i could understand it all. haha i was explaining things to my mother, and showing her the things that we learned about. I saw a lot of the works of the people we studied. cool huh? well i guess i will see you sometime.
have fabtabulous day.

Posted by courtney on Thursday, July 20, 2006 at 9:01 AM

Jesus loves the HELL outta you!!

Dude, Awesome. I love Thunderstorm as well. It is just so, so, so, neat. I can't find the words to describe it. Anywhoie, Kudos to you!

Posted by Jesus loves the HELL outta you!! on Thursday, July 20, 2006 at 5:52 PM

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