Current mood:
Category: Life
So, you know that crush that you're not supposed to have...
How do you deal with it?
I mean, you can't just tell a close friend "I like you... Like... I REALLY like you..."
That'll cause more problems than anything, but at the same time, it's nice just knowing that they know.
You know, I think I'm finally starting to figure out what I'm attracted to...
A girl who is very soft spoken, but firm and assertive when she needs to be.
I really like green or brown eyes....
And I think I find dark hair more attractive than blond, but it depends on who it's on. I like red hair too.
You know what.... I like girls that the world wants to call "plain"... Heck... when I set goals... I must shoot for below average... (how do I pass classes with A's? I don't know) But seriously... what is below average... what's average? Why? (If below average is wrong than I don't want to be right....
I don't know how to say what I want to say, so I'll just skip saying it to keep from offending anyone... perhaps my next few statements will make it clear... but not likely... it's better off just being skipped....
I was thinking, we're all programed that the skinny blond with blue eyes is the most beautiful girl around, but she's not.
I work with some of the most beautiful women I know, and I don't think they know it. (Knowing that some of them will read this, I'm not sure that I should say it, but there it is... whatever lines I've crossed I'm sorry...) I go to church with some of the most beautiful girls I know.... well... I guess to be totally honest... any girl that I know is one of the most beautiful girls I know...
But don't let that lessen the meaning of that compliment. You are all beautiful. I don't know how to tell each of you so that you will believe it... but you are beautiful. Please don't complain or worry about your weight, or claim that you're not attractive... You're beautiful the way you are.
So anyway... about this crush thing.... I mean.... can it be right to say that it is a crush I "shouldn't have"?
How is it wrong to have a crush?
To find someone attractive and love their personality....
I mean... if that's what a crush is, then... don't we all have crushes on just about all of our friends.... (cause seriously... in this world.... we don't hang out with people we don't like...)
You know what... I'm just thinking of this now, but we usually don't hang out with people that we think are less attractive than we are... it's probably mainly a subconscious thing, but you know it and I know it... don't try lying about it. It's programmed into us again... we want to look good, so we hang out with people that we think look good, so that maybe people will see us with them and think we look good too... And I'm not talking just physically... I like hanging out with smart people, cause it makes me look smart... (it's funny to think that I've never really thought of this before, but here it is, surfacing up from somewhere in the confines of my subconscious....)
So do we have crushes on everyone we hang out with?
Is there more to a crush...?
Where's my dictionary when I need it?
You know... right at the moment I can't remember what movie it's from, but there was a movie where someone said something about a guy.... He/she said something like "There are only two women in his life... 'her', and everyone else." I can't figure out what movie it's from, but I know it's somewhere.....
I'm scared that that's how I am, but without a "her"... If I find most everyone to be beautiful... then... who's right for me?
Who.... Who stands out more than the others?
Who's smile is more comforting...?
Who's voice is more soothing...?
Who's silence is more bearable...?
"When 'hopeless' is all that you've got, you're just glad to be romantic..."
Is there anything worth fighting for when everything is worth fighting for?
Well, anyway...
I'll add one more compliment that I forgot to put in my other blog....
It's sad that I forgot this one, cause it's the one that inspired me to write that blog of compliments I never say....
So, it's something along the lines of
"She looks just like you, and she'll grow up to be just as beautiful."
You know, it's hard to be comforting sometimes. I really wish that sometimes I could be more comforting... but really, the best thing I can do is listen... I don't know where lines are, and so I don't know how to not cross them... So I take the easy way out and just don't say anything...
It's not that I want to take the easy way out... I just don't know any other way. Usually I just apologize... I'm sorry that you have to go through this... and I'm sorry I don't know what I can do to help...
Well, I think I'll be going now...
Here's the blog I promised...
It's not much, but I hope you enjoyed it. I keep thinking... what am I writing about here... I'm going crazy... but I hope you guys can get something out of it....
"Your Face Here"
Matthew Shane
P.S. Feel free to try to teach me how to compliment people...
Currently listening : Beneath Medicine Tree By Copeland Release date: By 25 March, 2003 |
~Crystal~ |
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courtney |
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Josh Grace |
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