Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Unholy Infestation

Blog from when I was using MySpace.

Current mood: exhausted

Okay, so imagine you just woke up. You don't open your eyes because they are so full of sleep (the liquidy crap) that you can't hold them open. You stumble to the bathroom and turn the light on, trying to hold your eyes open against the light (and the gunk). You clean up your eyes and can finally hold them open. You slip on your glasses and look over at the clock near your bed... It's 4 in the morning. Back to bed with you then (you know the gunk in your eyes is from lack of sleep). So you flick the light, and flop into bed.
Not that you weren't already half asleep, but when you're half asleep from that half; you feel a very stinging pinch on your arm. Just like the one you swatted at in the dream you had just before you woke up. Then there's another pinch on your neck. You grasp at both spots where you were pinched. THAT HURT. You feel something small. You grab it and role out of bed. Flicking the bathroom light back on you look at the small "pinchers" and realize they are ants. Holy crap, you're freaking kidding me, you think. Flicking on the light to the bedroom you see a corner of your pillow and mattress is just BLACK with ants. You realized that you don't know how long they've been gnawing on your flesh, but you know that they have because 1, you dreamed it before you woke up, and two you realized it after they bit you again. Well... what would you do? It's 4 in the morning. You've only been asleep for about 3 hours. You don't have class for another 7 hours.
Well, having experienced this entire horrific story this morning, I stood there dumbfounded for a minute. Then I did the first thing that came to mind: I rescued bed articles (like my Teddy Bear) that had no ants on them. Once again... I stood there staring. "WHERE DID THEY COME FROM? HOW LONG HAVE THEY BEEN THERE? HOW LONG HAVE THEY BEEN BITING ME?" I thought of tossing the pillows and sheets out back, but that wouldn't help any, I wanted to clean them off, not give them to the ants.
Okay, this was creepy. I went up close and listened to the ants. I could hear crunching.
I didn't know of a way to get rid of the ant AND be able to get back to sleep in my bed. So I just tossed the sheets and pillows in the shower. After letting water run on them for a while, and flicking ants down the drain, I stuffed them in a trash bag with the remaining ants (of which there were still quite a few) and I tossed the trash bag by the door. I then sprayed the house with bug killing spray. Then I showered, got dressed, and packed my car with my school books, my bag, the ant infested bag of sheets and pillows, my blanket (it could use a wash), and my toiletries (contacts, toothbrush, Old Spice, Axe body spray, tooth paste). It was about 7:30 in the morning by the time I reached my parents' house, and I still had to unpack my car.
Just to inform you, I had a freezer crisis last night as well. After spraying for bugs and showering, I had to pack my freezer and what little I thought might have survived in the fridge (which was warmer than it was outside) into coolers, and then into my car. I just left this part out because I don't know what's wrong with my freezer and don't want to try to explain what I don't know. Something in it froze, so cold air stopped circulating, and the fridge and freezer started getting warm. That's as best I can figure. I dissected it when I got home (I had shut it off all day to let what was frozen thaw) and I didn't find much. A lot of water ran out of it though, and that was good (I think). It's working now (for the moment), so I guess I can pick up my food tomorrow.
Anyway, that is why I had to unpack my car. I had to get my food into a freezer at my parents' house. I thought I had been exhausted last night. I was in one of those states where I guess you're in shock or something, but I was throwing little temper tantrums cause I was so tired this morning. I was flipping out (which I guess I had the right to do, my fridge/freezer broke, and my alarm clock was replaced by flesh-eating ants). Well, luckily my parents were just getting up, and my mom helped me figure out how to turn on the freezer (which had been off because it smelled like those blue things you put in toilets, and that smell had been effecting the taste of even vacuum packed food, so my dad had cleaned the freezer with chlorine, I think). I just put my coolers into the freezer and took off their lids, and then I went up to my parents room to take over their bed.
I undressed, tossed my glasses on the bedside table, and ducked under the covers to sleep. Sleep didn't come so well since right as I had been getting to my parents' house a man had been walking his dogs (no leashes) and one tried to attack my front wheels. That got my heart pumping. I did eventually get to sleep, and my dad woke me in time for school (he's retired). I ate a homemade blueberry muffin (AWESOME) and I headed off to school.
That's about the gist of it.
Matt----Sleeping Human Ant Food

"Your Face Here" upon my heart with love
Matt (Mahi) Eskuchen

P.S. MySpace is being really screwy right now, so I'll just post this while I can... hopefully I can, and I'll come back and update the music later. I'm listening to Blindside's cd The Great Depression. This CD is so freakin' sweet that people are almost always screaming wildly while it's playing.

Currently listening :
The Great Depression
By Blindside
Release date: By 02 August, 2005

3 Comments - 0 Kudos


question 3.....whats with mahi?

Posted by Patrick!? on Thursday, September 22, 2005 at 4:12 PM

Let my love be a reflection of TRUE Love

Mahi--- A little girl from my church in Jupiter has downs syndrom, and when she was three (she's now five) she couldn't speak very well. We knew that she always said MOM specifically for her mom because that's what she learned from her sister. When we heard her saying something that sounded like "Mommy" we weren't sure what it was, but soon we decided she was calling me, and she was saying "Mahi." And since I love her, I love the name. And I've never really had a nickname before (other than Matt, which is just a lame shortened version of Matthew). But that's where Mahi comes from.
Just while I'm explaining stuff, "Your Face Here" comes from an idea I had for a buddy icon on AIM. People always put pictures of things they love up there, so I put "Your Face Here." I later wrote a poem, and one of the lines in the poem was "Your face here upon my heart." The poem is called "Your Face Here (Have Your Way)," and is posted on a couple of my older blog entries. Anyway, I decided to start signing things "Your Face Here" upon my heart with love (since before I would always sign things "with love"). When I'm cutting corners and assuming that people know the meaning of what I'm saying, I sign things "'Your Face Here' Matt" to shorten it. But I always mean the full context of it.
Shane is my middle name. My parents got it from an old cowboy movie called Shane.
Eskuchen is my last name... It's German and means something like "eat cake." So at birthday parties and stuff, just bring me some cake and say my full name (like Jess did, YAY!!!! for Jess... she handed me a plate of cake and said "Matt, eskuchen!" YAY!!!!!)

"Your Face Here"

Posted by Let my love be a reflection of TRUE Love on Friday, September 23, 2005 at 12:02 AM
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The Black Regiment

man.... that is sick... I hate ants... we should unite and destroy them all... make that our life's goal... a worthy one at that! stand up and fight the invasion! you have yer own crib? i sure didnt know that bro... partay! ;)

Posted by The Black Regiment on Saturday, September 24, 2005 at 1:10 AM
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