Current mood:
Wouldn’t it be great if we all had baboons to show us the way when our past finally catches up to us? “You follow old Rafiki. He knows the way.” To tell us that they ‘know’ our father when we think he’s long been dead? To tell us that we are the ones who are confused? “I’m not the one who is confused. You don’t even know who you are.” A baboon who sings us a secret, telling us who we are? “ Someone tell me that my father lives in me... Tell me to remember who I am... Tell me that I’m stronger than I think... And if I ever decided to step in faith again, tell my friends that the King has returned... Can anyone prove to me that I’m not alone out here? Give me an excuse to not want to kill myself? Can anyone prove that God exists, and that Jesus really can save me? Over this past week I have proven to myself that I don’t believe. I’m back to phase one: I won’t deny or acknowledge the existence of God. “Why are you scared to dream of God when it’s salvation that you want?” ~Bright Eyes “We might die from medication but we sure killed all the pain.” ~Bright Eyes “When everything gets lonely I can be my own best friend. I get a coffee and the paper; have my own conversations; with the sidewalk and the pigeons and my window reflection. The mask I polish in the evening, by the morning looks like sh*t.” ~Bright Eyes “Home, is this a quiet place where you should be alone? Is this where the tortured and the troubled find their own? I don’t know, but I can tell this isn’t you, your cover’s blown.” ~Something Corporate “Way away, away from here I’ll be; Way away, away so you can see; How it feels to be alone and not believe (Feels to be alone and not believe), feels to be alone and not believe anything!” ~Yellowcard “Oh my God! I want to shoot myself just thinking about it. You think I don’t mean what I say? I mean every word I say!” ~mewithoutYou “I had voices come and wake me in the dead of the night. At the end of the tunnel, they say there’s a light. I hope there’s more to living than just being alive.” ~Autopilot Off The Death of a King Help me, Anybody! Somebody, help me! What will all of their voices say? When they hear of this death in the hierarchy I’m sure that every one of them will look to me I’m not ready for your going away No one ever meant for this to happen But the King is dead What am I to do? I’m not ready to step into these shoes I’ve got to get going Going to run away Run! Run! Run away and never return Run! Run! The shadows aren’t my concern As of yet, I’m not aware But they’ll have found me soon enough And I’m sure I thought that this was running scared Oh, if I could see myself now ‘What ever happened to being brave?’ But my hero is lying dead in the dirt under my feet 09/03/05 (19:05) Why can’t I believe that I’m loved when the proof is right in front of me??? :::Lauren: make an appearance please::: Matt “do I still have a heart?” E.
it is right in front of you....we all love you matt..God loves gets has too.
Posted by Patrick!? on September 6, 2005 - Tuesday at 3:41 PM
Psalm 77
I love you, Matt. Sincerely. And I dearly miss you. Basically.
Posted by Lo-Mac on September 7, 2005 - Wednesday at 5:56 PM
Your Father does live in you....whether you believe it or not.
And He loves you...whether you believe it or not.
Your beliefs do not change the truth. Jesus is the way. Jesus IS the truth. Jesus is real life.
I'd like to say that you are stronger than you think, but in reality I believe we are all weaker than we will believe. The only times I feel strong are when I am relying on the power of the Holy Spirit. All other times I feel helpless. Not to mention - a.l.o.n.e
Matt, there is nothing I can say to "make" you believe. Ask the Lord for faith. And read the Bible with an attitude and longing to meet God and not as a way to figure out your life. Figure out who God is and so many things will fall into place.
At last -> I seriously love you. That is the 100% truth. I have a picture of you here right on my wall and I think about you and pray for you every time I see it, which is very often.
P.S. -- I recommend this book that I am reading by Donald Miller. It is called, "Searching For God Knows What" and it is pretty amazing.
Posted by Lo-Mac on September 7, 2005 - Wednesday at 6:19 PM
I think that maybe your font should be a little bigger on your page. It's harder to read the tiny print. But, regardless of size, the words are still yours. and three cheers for that.
~katie a.
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