Blog from when I was using MySpace.
Current mood:
| So, yesterday I slept through church, got up around 12:30 and went to my parents house. I helped my cousins move some trees that my dad was cutting down. After that I went home and watched then second half of Gladiator. I had watched the first half the night before. I talked to Amanda at some point, before / during / after the movie. I then fell asleep on that tiny little couch that I have. I woke up very very sweaty. I'm not sure why, the AC was on, but I was soaking wet with sweat. I fell asleep again and woke up later, nocking my pillow off the couch onto a cup of orange juice. It didn't spill on my pillow but it did spill on the floor. I got up and got ready for bed, and then I called Lauren. We talked for about 13 minutes before she had to go. I then put myself down in my bed. ... ... ... ... ..
... ... ... After about thirty minutes I turned off the fan cause it was noisy and turned down the music so that I could hardly hear it. I still couldn't sleep. So I rolled around... I guess I fell asleep a couple times, but I kept remembering waking up. I woke up once and looked at my watch and then thought the alarm should be going off in a couple minutes, but when it didn't go off I looked at the clock and it was 4:30 ish... I looked at the clock again at 5:30ish and 6:30ish. I finally fell asleep just before my alarm was supposed to go off, and so I slept in and was late for school. I don't remember my alarm going off, but I do remember the alarm on my phone going off. That's what I heard. It was reminding me I needed to leave for school... not get up. School was okay. I was 20 mins. late to my first class, but that's mainly because I couldn't find a parking spot, and then had to walk for 5 minutes to get to my class cause I parked so far away. My second class today was fun. I very much enjoyed the teacher. I don't know that he was funny, but I was a huge fan of the mullet looking haircut. (I was tempted to ask to take a picture just cause it looks so great... It's not exactly a mullet, he's basically just bald, but ... I don't know, you have to see it to appreciate it.) But anyway... I loved the hair. And then I just loved the way he taught. I can't explain it... I just loved it. I'm off to call the phone people since the phone line isn't installed at my house yet and it should have been done BEFORE Friday. And this has been my day up until now, which is about 13:20. How was your day? And here's some advice from Katie on forgiveness: Matthew 18:21-22
"Your Face Here" upon my heart with love Matthew (Mahi) E.
P.S. I really wish I could be listening to this at this moment, but this is what I was listening to in my car. I very much enjoy this cd.  | Currently listening : Son, I Loved You at Your... By As Cities Burn Release date: 21 June, 2005 | |
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