Current mood:
Category: Blogging
Well, since school is done for the week (my class tomorrow was cancelled) I've decided to unban myself from this stupid social disaster.
Well, you know those times when you feel so stupid. And you're just like "Gosh.... I'm so dumb... How could I do this...."
Well I've been thinking that lately. The only funny thing about it is that I haven't done anything. I just feel like a moron...
A really selfish moron.
I feel like a 5 year-old trapped in an almost 20 year-old body.
You know what makes it worse, is that as much as I want to explain what's going on in my head... I can't. I feel like it's so stupid and pointless. I'm stupid and pointless.....
Well, please pray that I'm not getting sick, cause I feel like it, and I've been completely exhausted all week.
Also, please pray that I get a job within the next couple days (because I'm pretty sure I'll get it, but it doesn't hurt to pray).
Please pray for Reset as well. We'll be recording a two song demo tomorrow morning, and that'll be exciting. Isn't it great that three of the members work at a music/instument store with a recording studio?
Well, here's what's been going down.
"Through This Life"
Take the pills
Greet the morning
Nothing's quite the same
Raise your gun
To the sky
There's no one left to blame
Yourself and I
Should've mentioned
I once had a reason
But as of recent times
I've just been looking through this life
02-21-06 (02:43)
02-23-06 (00:15)
It's her smile
Her eyes
Then silence
(still playing with the idea of "Reset")
Reset then fire
Start a blaze within our hearts
02-23-06 (14:03)
02/23/06 (15:43)
I've become so tired
Of only ever saying one word to you
It's about as good as silence
And I've become so tired
With You it's all or nothing
And I'm going "all in" on You
(Neither of those last three were finished, they were merely ideas)
(Tiger Lily just curled up in my lap... wish us goodnight)
"Your Face Here" upon my distant heart with love
Matthew (Mahi) "Shane" Eskuchen
Currently listening : Hey, I'm a Ghost By Sullivan Release date: By 24 January, 2006 |
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