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Category: Music
I would like to bring to the attention of every reader of my blog that As Cities Burn is an amazing band. Their CD, "Son, I Loved You At Your Darkest" is worth buying simply for the lyrics. Even if you don't like the music, the lyrics are that amazing.
I was listening to the first song on the CD today and realized that it perfectly explains my EXACT feelings at the present moment and for a good while in the past. I don't believe the lyrics need explaining, so I will just let you read on for yourselves. I will just put the lyrics up here the way they are in the CD insert. There isn't an exact chorus, but they do repeat several lines throughout the song, but I won't rewrite those lines. In the CD insert the lines are just written as a paragraph, but I think it is easier to read when they are broken apart, so I have done that as well, but I have left all original punctuation and capitalization.
~~As Cities Burn~~
Thus From My Lips, By Yours, My Sin Is Purged
Well, I've got a will, but I want Yours.
I've got a growing heap of crosses and burdens.
I've simply lost heart to shoulder,
simply no strength to lift.
I've always been a man in need
'cause I keep stepping in and out of the shadow,
caught by the drift and pitch of whatever it is that keeps me coming back.
I want out
'cause I'm getting sick,
sick from all this swerving, Driver,
sick from turning on You.
Someone show me a hole in this cycle.
Show me the way away and I'm coming back the way I came.
I've seen this place before.
Surely this is no place
for the light of this world.
Oh how sweet the sound!
I know it saved, but is it changing a wretch like me?
Oh my God how sweet is the sound!
I once was blind
but now
I just look away!
My bride,
I don't want to know what I'd be without forgiveness
brushing these adulterous lips.
Well, I have nothing further to say.
"Your Face Here" upon my still and silent heart with love
Matthew (Mahi) "Shane" Eskuchen
Currently listening : Regeneration By Superchick Release date: By 21 October, 2003 |
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Josh Grace |