Monday, June 5, 2006

"Who's your god?" . . .

Blog from MySpace. Current mood:  disappointed Category: Writing and Poetry 

"Well it's obviously video games...." (That was a terribly sarcastic response, but I think I have that right. If you read this, you don't know everything that I go through in my life, and I appreciate that you care for me and all, but missing a few weeks of church isn't killing me. I'm sorry, but that question hurt. You have no idea how badly I wanted to be there this past Sunday, and no idea how glad I am that I wasn't there... now that it has passed. It may have been a really good message... but what good is it if we're "just reading the lines they gave me from the pulpit.") Dead Poetic ~ "Glass In The Trees"

"When the time that's wasted comes back to haunt me And I'll deserve every bit, because I'm not spiritual yet. I'm just reading the lines they gave me from the pulpit."
Here are some thoughts I've taken from a letter I wrote to a friend last night.
I feel sick lately, like I can't explain. I feel like throwing up, but the words just won't come out. I want to pour myself onto the page, but I can't seem to open my heart. I seem to have locked myself away like I was locked away before I moved to Jacksonville. I feel abandoned, but not by God. I feel like I've abandoned myself, actually. Ghost "Hey, I'm a Ghost" (Sullivan's CD) Taking Back Sunday ~ "'What's it feel like to be a ghost?'" Louder, say it louder now... 'What's it feel like to be a ghost?'" Lovedrug ~ "Your friends, now ghosts, are screaming."

5/26/06 (04:35) Run like Hell! You'll need a good head start for this one Run like Hell... Is burning up beneath your feet Run like Hell! You're fighting demons fighting angels Run like Hell... Is closing its gates while you're still on your way out 

06/05/06 (05:36) It's funny to find yourself as you're speeding to reach the place you ought to be, but you are not simply late to this meeting, you have missed it completely. Perhaps showing your face at the exit as the preacher passes gives the appearance that you were on time and attentive. Who knows why we speed to the empty church lot after all the meeters have gone to lunch. 

This next grouping of words is a bit.... revealing. Not just a bit, a lot. It has the simple ability to completely change the way you think about me, so if you read, you have been warned. I was only offering the truth. 

06/05/06 (05:37) Before you are young and immature, You are born When you are old, You die. I find myself approaching death, But not nearly the end of me. "Not just another teenage boy" I tried to make myself out to be But I've been just like all the others before. There was nothing about me that surpassed the air of mediocrity. In a short time, I will never be a teen again And the legacy that I left behind was one of ... Selfishness, Greed, Lust..... (Call it a drifting in faithless ungodliness if you like.) So, I didn't "sleep around" That doesn't mean I really am "Not just another" I wanted to. Physically touching a woman. Such a curious connection. I was in a deadly situation once. Had it not been for a foolish dream, Tribute to a fallen friend. I would have kissed her and lost control. I was laying on her bedroom floor, Her parents were out of town. Left with the empty house I didn't realize until I didn't know how to leave. Somehow... She was sitting on my hips The thought brings dragonflies to my stomach even now Not to be confused with butterflies. No, the air in my stomach fluttered, and I wasn't sure what to do, But my heart was heavy with colors that aren't beautiful Red, Yellow, Blue..... I held her hands And brought her face close to mine... I so wanted to kiss her Not out of love I just wanted to kiss... Anyone... But I held onto that dream Stolen from a friend who failed to keep his promises I save that first kiss still For the altar... But oh, I can't explain how deadly it is. I can't explain how dangerous The touch But I am not "Not just another." I am no more or less than any other Had it not been for an undead friend And the foolish dream I hold dear for him Had it not been for a desire to save the first kiss for last Our clothes would have left our skins And her brother's entrance would not have allowed for my escape. Had it not been for childish things like dreams His intrusion would have been nothing but encouragement "Use a condom" was all he had to say. Something his younger sister had seemingly randomly provided when I had arrived, Unaware of the guidance-less state of the house. But I had made a promise to keep a promise broken, And I fled It was two in the morning before I was home But I didn't care. I would explain everything. Because I fled It wasn't too late I fled And guided by angels I made it to my borrowed home I was a nervous wreck Oh how to explain...??? But I was home in that borrowed place And I am nothing but another... Sleazy, Shameless, Selfish......... Corpse of a teenage boy... But soon enough... I'll be dead forever. 

So.... is that how well you know me? Is that the faith you have in me? "Who is your god?" My God is a God who gave me innocence when I was guilty... My God is a God who gave me a friend... who made a promise to save his first kiss for the altar. "What an idea" I thought. "I want to do that....." My God is a God who allowed this friend to decide he was gay My God is a God who gave me the strength to love him with tears in my heartbroken eyes. My God is a God who gave me naivety when I was so knowledgeable My God is a God who doesn't require that I appear at every church meeting My God is a God who loves me....

"How dare I call this love... and not bare my cross to the end 
How dare I! 
And how can I call this love 
When all that I am 
Is because 
Your love endures... ... 
My back to it. 
Your love endures......"

If the God I love isn't your God, please, let me know. I'd know where you stand. But don't ask me who my God is. My God has pulled me out of situations so .... Don't you dare ask... I understand it was an attempt to keep me in line. I miss a lot of church... I do. But I have nothing in my life worth living for without my God, and that includes church. Don't tell me I'm falling away from God because I sleep through a couple church services because I was up all night... playing video games or writing a letter, or simply staring at the ceiling thinking. Don't you dare judge the way I worship. So it's not like you, with my hands raised, standing on a platform for all to see. Is it so wrong that I seek a quiet, dark corner... where I can't see anyone. Where I have no distractions. Don't ask who my god is when I don't seek him the same way you do. I respect your advice, and I value your council.... But don't look down on me. You have no write to look down on me whether I'm just another teenage boy or not. You have no place to judge unless you walk every moment of your life in my shoes. "Your Face Here" upon my heart with love Matthew Shane Eskuchen Just another teenage boy

Currently listening : Pretend You're Alive By Lovedrug Release date: By 27 July, 2004
4 Comments - 6 Kudos


I hate how judgemental certain Christians are towards one another.

Some people can't get off on sundays because THEY HAVE TO WORK TO SUPPORT THEMSELVES! I was in that situation once. I wanted to be at church so badly, but I had to work a job where I was treated like crap. Thankfully I quit, and I have a wonderful job now that lets me have my sundays off. They work with me on my schedule and I love them so much.

There are some places now that have later services. Like the church I go to has a service on Saturday night at 8. Maybe you could look into those if you're interested.

DOn't let others get to you. Just keep serving God the way that you feel need to, not the hands lifted high for everyone to see what a good "christian" you are version.

Posted by elyse on Tuesday, June 06, 2006 at 12:50 AM


I am very proud of you. Not every guy can say they have walked away from a situation like that. You should be proud of yourself and of your beliefs. I love you!

Posted by Kelly on Wednesday, June 07, 2006 at 10:53 PM

Let my love be a reflection of TRUE Love quig the joker

Okay, this blog had posted twice and you guys were commenting on two different blogs that were exactly the same. So I'm am just combining them and deleting the spare blog. Here's Quig's comment.

you know the same question was asked to me no to long ago and I made a decision to get rid of a bunch of my cds becuase they were halting my relationship with christ

Posted by quig the joker on Monday, June 05, 2006 at 9:59 PM

Posted by Let my love be a reflection of TRUE Love on Thursday, June 08, 2006 at 1:12 AM

Jesus loves the HELL outta you!!

Dude, I feel so ashamed for not knowing you as well as a friend should. I just wanted to say, that while reading this i honestly cried. I was mourning for the souls of everyone as well as crying out of the joy I have in the LORD. You are a great person of GOD and I totally look up to you as an example of faith. It sucks that they will only let me put 2 kudos on this. LoL. But I can relate to you on the issues that you posted. I'm proud that I can call you friend, and hope you can say the same to me. Sometimes, I can get caught up in the "Christian Thing" and I know it. This blog has seriously opened my eyes to see alot of the truth in our actions. I commend you for standing up for your beliefs and faith in GOD with that "encounter". I could keep going, but I think I should post my own blog if I want to ramble on and on! I love you man!

Posted by Jesus loves the HELL outta you!! on Friday, June 16, 2006 at 3:37 PM

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