Friday, May 26, 2006

X-Men III... Face Rocking Material???

Blog from MySpace.

Current mood: Let Down
Category: Let Down Blogging

Doesn't it suck when people let you down.

Well, I'm not trying to say the movie was bad... I didn't see it. I was supposed to, but the plans seem to have fallen apart... and I'll still probably have to pay Jesse for a ticket whenever I see her next...

Well... Whatever... People let you down... I let you down... The movie probably does suck... who cares... right???

At least I got my new phone, and The Classic Crime CD "Albatross" and the Run Kid Run CD... and Run Kid Run shoe laces.

Well, I'm sorry. Life has been pretty.... vacant lately, and I just don't feel like writing anything.
I'll soon have to start paying rent (living in my parent's house... not the A-frame).
I've seriously been considering moving back to Jacksonville. Aside from a few people here, I don't think I would miss much at all.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to say my life sucks out here... but...
I really love my job. (Of course I'd love any job... I just love doing things, that's me)
Sadly enough, my job would be the hardest thing to move away from.

Well, I guess there really isn't too much more to say.
I hate having such a sour attitude... but life really sucks right now. I'm out of school, and so happy. I love working at Movie Gallery... the people there make it such fun, and I love the Honor Bound men's meetings and the Discipleship meetings (one each month). But honestly... life really sucks right now.
I suppose when work is the highlight of your day (and don't get me wrong... I love the people there) ...
Whatever... I should be happy. This CD is amazing, and the song "Who Needs Air is wonderful, and so... liberating...
But... there is this weight on my heart...
A weight of uselessness... or a weight saying that I'm not doing what I'm meant to do.

Well, forget this... I'm not saying anything... Stop reading... go read something valuable.

Here's what I've written lately (feel free to tell me how much it sucks... seriously... I've been having good ideas, but if I try to write anything... it just comes out as crap...):
05/12/06 (02:45)
I know just what to say
To make it all feel okay
But my thoughts keep flashing back
To a bullet painted black
And a regal liquid
Flowing from a smoking hole I put into your back
I know just what to do
To make it all seem okay
But I know your smile's deeper
Than your painted lips portray
And I know your heart is waiting
For a blue sky in the gray
For this night to turn to day
And this doubt into a faith

I wish I knew of something I could say
Or something I could do
To give the world to you
I wish I knew exactly what to say
To make my way next to your heart
With hope that I might remain
... Forever true ...
05/12/06 (02:45)

05/17/06 (19:29)
Don't let her go
She's safe at home
But who am I to say
Don't let me out
I'm safe at home
Who are you
Telling me what's best to do

05/17/06 (20:18)
They've been watching you
Watching you
Every detail
They've been watching you
Waiting for you to fall
The devil's after
The devil's after you
He's on your heels
Waiting for you to fall

05/19/06 (23:14) This may be the one good thing I've written lately
I ran out of emotions to show
So remembering childhood
I smiled
It was not a true smile
But I have been skilled at lying
Perhaps they would believe my common response
"I'm doing fine, how are you?"
And so...
Remembering a death in my childhood
... I smiled.

05/20/06 (00:40) (Movies = Happiness money can buy)

I've lost hope of ever taking flight
All the greatest thinks I could think
Have found a number of ways of making me cry
And even the happiness they sell
Is just another dose of death for me to buy.

05/24/06 (19:37) These are just some ideas I had

Run like hell ... is nipping at your heels
(I really just wanted to find a way to justify screaming RUN LIKE HELL)

Good night, good luck
And good riddance.
(this has no negative meaning toward the movie "Goodnight and Good Luck" which I very much enjoyed, and hope to purchase, but I did take some inspiration from the film...)

"Death to the salad eaters" (play the game Armed and Dangerous... I beat it in less than a week, and it was drop dead funny for the most part.)


"In a little while you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me." 1 John 16:16 (NIV) ~Jesus speaking~

Currently listening :
By The Classic Crime
Release date: By 23 May, 2006

1 Comments - 2 Kudos


I'm so sorry Matt! We should totally hang out more! I didn't realize your feelings were so strong towards leaving...We'll talk tomorrow...X-Men III will be there...Just give me a time and I'll meet ya there! ;-D

Love Yas!


P.S. Love your writings btw!

Posted by ~Crystal~ on Friday, May 26, 2006 at 2:20 AM

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