Current mood:
Category: Life
Well a friend (a WONDERFULLY GREAT friend) recently sent me a message. This isn't all of it... but most of it.
I'm worried about you. We havn't talked, or e-mailed, for qutie awhile and the blogs that you've been posting lately seem more than just discouraged or lonesome. I hate the idea that your feeling so down, but I don't know what I can do to make you feel better. KNow that I love you and I'm here for you, if you need me. ... I will drop everything and talk with you. I don't like you feeling this way, Mathew. You shouldn't be, your to good of a guy. Please call me. I want to hear from you...And I wouldn't mind knowing how Tiger Lilly is doing either. :)!
I love you lots
This just made me think... something that I was just thinking while driving up here to my mom's office.
Friends always have enough time to care...
So this just helps to support what I've been thinking... that I am so much better than the demons that I've been fighting.
The demons don't care about me...
They don't respond to me when I cry out... left out... alone... drained of all life...
They are the ones sucking the life out of me...
And I've been letting them...
And so as I was saying in my last blog...
I am DONE with you demons!!!
I'm sick and tired of bowing to you're weakness...
And accepting your "love" as the best I deserve...
I deserve so much more than you...
Hate from my friends shows more caring than the "love" that you claim to have for me.
I will not be drown by this anymore...
You will leave me alone!!!
Because I am DONE!!!!
Currently listening : Son, I Loved You at Your Darkest By As Cities Burn Release date: By 21 June, 2005 |
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