These have probably been posted before, sorry.
Don't expect much of anything that's very good.
Expressions Like Stained Glass
7/29/2007 (02:55)
I'm neither coming nor going
Like the waves in the sea
An endless ocean of glass
The window through which we gaze
To watch the time pass by
Never knowing uncertainty
The bottom's there
Even if we'll never see it
There's an end to everything.
So even if we're drown out by the questions
The answers are there
At the very bottom of everything.
6/12/07 (03:05)
Just as the shadows begin to grow
Right when your stomach starts to turn
Just as the night creeps through my window
You better believe
I'm coming to life!
I wanna die!
I wanna die!
I can't sleep at night!
They've started the countdown
Long ago
But it's already gotten so close.
I'm not as young as I once was
But I'm still hoping
Praying I won't grow up like you!
So truthful,
So honest,
So full of lies,
The sickness infects you.
So innocent,
So peaceful,
So harmless,
So painful!
As much as I love (you)
I pray I'm never like you!
I never meant to hurt you
It wasn't intended
I apologized
I only ever loved you
But now you're tearing up my heart
And I can see the light in your eyes!
So Joyous
So gleaming
So ablaze with pleasure
(At) Breaking my heart
What are you waiting for?
I come
Broken and bleeding
Trying to show you love
But you gorge yourself
You keep eating and eating
I'll never satisfy you.
And it'll be too late
Before too soon
That you realize what you've done.
(03:20 finsihed)
6/19/2007 (16:30)
So much time
So much money
So much effort
The only think I learned
Is that
If you open your heart
They will break it.
So much love
And she couldn't even thank me
She just got mad
Cause she couldn't admit she was lying (to me)
Through gritted teeth
Because she was fooling herself
When no one believed
She couldn't survive on her own.
Reach out
Find those loving arms
Hold close that loving heart
So full of sickness
But at least you won't feel the pain alone
When you're hiding behind all your friends.
So just reach out
You've found the loving arms
Shes' only useful
As long as she's a trainwreck
And messed up more than you
But she doesn't love you
She only wants what you have
A love so bright and blinding
It cures all of the past
But you're painting it black
And telling yourself to forget.
God wants to heal your heart
But you can't let go of all the pain that you've felt
Just let him heal you
I only wanted to love you...
But I can't even succeed at that.
But I don't think it's my fault.
You just wanted to forget your pain
So maybe it was just a game
To you.
Hurting people hurt people.
Even the ones they love.
Hurting people hurt people.
Mainly the ones they love.
Misery loves company
So won't you stop pulling me down
And start healing yourself
Because it's not my fault
That you've turned your back on Love.
(16:45 finished)
6/30/2007 (01:32)
In this dry and weary world
You're the clouds and rain that brighten my days
Lighten my load
And paint a smile on my face.
With you I'm not alone,
Without you I've got a hope.
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