Current mood:
Category: Blogging
Hey everyone
Just a random, somewhat useless blog here for you.
Tonight at work, Reggie and I were talking and we somehow got on the subject of him not seeing opportunities...
He was talking about a girl talking to him at a gas station and when she said she wanted to talk to him more, it never popped into his head that perhaps he should get her number or give her his (I wouldn't have thought of this either, so he's not alone there).
Well anyway... along the lines of that train of thought (WHOO-WHOO)...
I somehow pulled this awesome idea out of thin air....
Phone No. Opp.
You know, like Photo Opp...(phone number opportunity)
But it's Phone No. Opp.
Anyway, this is simply an opportunity to get or give a phone number.
I thought it was a good idea.
So laugh with me.
"Your Face Here"
Currently listening : Commit This to Memory By Motion City Soundtrack Release date: By 20 June, 2006 |
~Crystal~ |
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