Thursday, August 17, 2006

PARTY INFO (be prepared)

Blog from MySpace

ARTY INFO (be prepared)
Current mood: Goofy
Category: Goofy Parties and Nightlife

Hey everybody...

Josh and I are going to be having a house warming party this Saturday.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Call or message either Josh or myself to find out where...
Directions are very easy, but I don't feel so easy about posting them or the address online.

Well, we have a list of stuff we need if you'd like to bring anything.
We appreciate anything you can offer.

Cleaning supplies (broom, mop, swiffer, toilet brush, plunger, cleaning liquids... etc.)

Small waste baskets (trash bins/cans for bathrooms)

Hand soap

Paper towel holder (a stand-up for a counter)
(and if it's a comedian, please make sure it's funny)

Door mat

Place mats

Pantry Stuffers (FOOD)

Coffee Maker


Slip-n-slides (anybody remember Alligator Ally?)

Board games

Spare change

You may want to bring bug spray
(a lot of cows nearby means gnats in force)

Small end tables
(also, any spare furniture you may have lying around)

Books, CDs, movies, video games
Pool tables
Swimming pools
Large Checks for school tuition
The Local Homeless
Stray bobcats, elephants, or chimpanzees (please, no cats, dogs, armadillos, or deer) We'll accept giraffes and retired lions from the circus if you can find them.
Spare children [(cough...) 'Slave labor' (...cough)]
Spare cars
Roller Coasters
Underwear (clean, if you're able)
Smiles, and good attitudes ready to have great fun.

(Okay, well maybe that last one's pushing it a little... you can come grouchy if you'd like)

Really, the only thing you have to bring is yourself, but anything you can offer is wonderful.
We probably won't have much food for the party, because we are expecting you to bring it, so maybe, if you're hungry, you should bring yourself and food for the masses... (three loaves and two 'fishes' probably won't go over so well, but we can try)
(I'm not sure what a beanie weenie is... but perhaps everybody could bring some and then we could have an eating contest with a prize)

Well, we hope to see you there.

And just so you know...
It's our party...
We'll cry if we want to.
Currently listening :
Age of Reptiles
By Showbread
Release date: By 01 August, 2006
2 Comments - 4 Kudos
Amanda Marie


Of course I shall unfortunately be unable to make it, as I live in J-ville with you a good 4 hours away. =(.

All I can offer is a mighty congratulations at your moving out of your parents house!!!! And a big fat virtual hug!!!! :) YAY!!! I'm a little hyper. This AP Calculus stuff is mighty exciting and I'm just boiling over with happiness because of it. HAHA. Anyways, I shall talk to you later Matt! Have a great day and God bless!! Love ya!!



Posted by Amanda Marie on Thursday, August 17, 2006 at 4:54 PM


I'm in VA so I can't make it, which is a major bummer. BUT you guys have a great party and take lots of fun pictures, you hear? Good good.

ALSO, that CD is ammmmazing!

Posted by Lo-Mac on Thursday, August 17, 2006 at 11:38 PM

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