Current mood:
Category: Music
So, I was going to email a couple friends, and then I decided I'd just post a blog. It makes things easier. That way everyone can get the story, and I don't have to keep retyping it.
Us guys in Reset played our last show last night.
It rocked. I've heard that we were the best band in the line-up... (but I mainly heard this from people from work, and family).
The show rocked though.
We had been practicing all week, and Monday I didn't feel like playing anything. I just wanted to quit, but I didn't feel good, and I had to pee like every 5 minutes... (and I hadn't had a great meeting with my Statistics final that morning). Anyway, at practice on Tuesday we were on the ball. We had finally found our groove and everything was going really well. Wednesday was even more energetic, and Thursday they couldn't keep me on the ground... (or the walls or anything else for that matter).
Friday was the night of the show, and I was so excited.
Coalwood played first and did a great job. Good Job Guys!!!
We (Reset) were next.
We got up there, did I sound check and all, I put on my Chicken Little snow cap (that thing is HOT! ... in more ways than 1). Anyway we were jumpin' around like maniacs (not really that crazy, but...), it was awesome.
We played a new original song... I don't know what it was called, then we played "Forever Free" and "Addressed to You." We then played a song built around four chords that I played on the keyboard. It was really simple, but really nice, and a good way to slow down the set for "Majesty." And then we went out with a bang. Literally... I remember the BAM of the lights and the screams toward the end of a cover of David Crowder Band's "No One Like You" (I think that's what it's called). That is a pumping song and we had the place jumping. Trent and I were out there in the crowd, gettin' everybody jammin' (and I'm sorry to whoever I bumped into on the way back up onto the stage). Well, up comes the bridge, and the moment that I've been waiting for. If you've heard the song, then you understand the energy build-up during the bridge. Basically the song go slow.... and then speeds up... and then breaks for a second and then jumps right into the chorus. Well, during that break...
I just felt obligated to be upside down in the middle of a back flip.
Like all the lights flared and then I heard everybody scream. It was sweet! (and the first time I had actually done it at the perfect moment... I kept missing durning practice) I think Josh and Adam did jumps and kicks and stuff, but I didn't see them...
Well, I hadn't eaten all day, so I went to eat, and missed Behind the Curtain... but then I watched Providence, and they rocked.
Well, after reassembling the church, I went out to eat with half of Reset and all of Providence.
The End...
Farewell Reset.
"Your Face Here" with love
Matthew Shane
2 Comments - 2 Kudos
Austin AKA Crazy Rifle Monkey |
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elyse |
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