Current mood:
Category: Life
So uhhh... it's been a while since I've offered a history lesson....
My name is Matthew Shane Eskuchen (Matthew = "Gift from God", Shane = old cowboy movie, Eskuchen = "eat cake")
I'm in a band, Reset, and it is very possible that the show we will be playing on May 5th will be our last show.
I have to pee really bad, so I'll be right back.......
Okay, so I'm back....
I live in Marianna, FL... (actually Alford, but whatever...)
I live there/here because.... well, I guess, due to certain happenings.... I decided to move out here because I was tired of stress in Jacksonville...
For a more specific answer, I didn't like where I was living, I didn't like the operators of the Chick-fil-A I worked in, and I had just been dumped (that seems such a harsh term for the grace with which it all happened)....
I have a job at Movie Gallery, here in Marianna....
Some people see me there all the time.... but hey, that happens
I will be at two very important events very soon.....
First: From April 21 to 23 I will be in Jacksonville / on the road to Jacksonville (and in Humanities class early morning of the 21st). While in Jacksonville I will be going swing dancing Friday.... I will be going to the Tooth and Nail Tour (Emery, Anberlin, The Fold, The Classic Crime, Jonzeta...?... Oh, and Katie....) at Murray Hill Theatre on Sunday (and then driving home for class Monday).... And Saturday I will probably be ..... well, who knows, but I'm sure at some time I'll submerse myself in the Webb's pool....
Next Event is Cornerstone FL, May 12 and 13.
..... As Cities Burn, Copeland, Showbread, Hawk Nelson, Falling Up, Project 86... The Chariot, Underoath..... Relient K... Friends.... need I say more??? I think not... but I could (if I looked up the schedule...)
Well, I got the nickname Mahi from a little girl with Downs Syndrome.... I miss Cassie.... She's so amazing!
I'm currently trapped within the vibes of The Lonely Hearts, As Cities Burn, Straylight Run, The Fold, Emery, Blindside, Holland, Death Cab For Cutie, Anberlin, Superchic[k], Mae, Copeland, Terminal, Sullivan....... He Is Legend, mewithoutYou, Dead Poetic, Chasing Victory, Project 86.... and I'm sure a couple others
I used to write poetry and stuff, but at the moment I can't remember any words.... My mind seems to be overflowing with feelings.... Every word has a color, but not every color has a word, and thus.... I am at a loss for words....
Recently I keep playing Kingdom Hearts II all night (Yes... I had to buy a PS2 to be able to play it), and not sleeping.... and not getting homework done.
And speaking of homework....
I'm supposed to be preparing for a .... I guess it could be defined as a "quiz" since it's only worth 1/8 of a test grade which makes it 1/16 of my entire grade......
Well then, that's the History Lesson I suppose.... Enjoy, and be sure to make sure you see me sometime soon.
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quig the joker |
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