Current mood:
Category: Friends Well. How to make this short enough to be captivating and detailed enough to be interesting? Good question.
Drove to Jacksonville.
Late for Student Venture (but it was still great).
To Tinley's house with Tony, Eric, Daniel, Austin, and Josiah. We watched home videos and game previews.... and of course... The Muses (Amanda's school project, Courtney was in it too... I recognize some of the others, but don't know them by name).
Rode with Austin back to OP to get my car, and then back to Tinley's house just to head back out with Daniel.
Steak and Shake dinner at 03:00ish in the morning.
Finally got some sleep back at the Lui residence.
Hanging out with the Webbs before they leave town.
Played with unicycle with Jonathan and Austin (Jon needs to get one).
Rode with Mrs. Webb to shop for thermal underwear for Jonathan while Jonathan mowed a lawn out in Riverside.
Chinese food for dinner.
Say goodbye to Mrs. Webb.
Swing Dancing (amazing blast of a time once I got started) Flipping Amanda, making up moves with Katie, camera fight with Karl.
Waffle House after Swing Dancing with Brianna and four amazingly fun foreign exchange students (maybe not all students, I'm not sure, but all foreign).... (I'm sorry if I butcher the spellings but here goes) Kiyoko, "Nard" (what her full name was, I'll never be able to pronounce :-)), Larissa, and Camilla (or something close to that I think).
We made flowers out of straw wrappers and napkins... it was quite amazing and fun.
Made it back to Daniel's place at like 2 in the morning and checked my grades online. (3.79 GPA, 4 A's, 1 B.... I should have studied for that Psychology Final... Oh well, I passed)
Got to sleep around 4 so that I could wake up at 07:30 to go meet Josiah.
Swung by Chick-fil-A for breakfast really fast (I still love the people there).
Back to Wal-Mart to buy ponchos and Gatorade.
Rode with Josiah in Jenny's Mom's new car down to Orlando (the GPS and XM Radio were great fun to play with).
Met up with Jenny and her mom and aunt at Disney's Magic Kingdom.
Thank you guys so much. I usually hate trips to Disney, but this on was amazing. I love both of you and hope you are doing well. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!
Back at Lui's house around midnight... I passed out.... literally.... I was completely exhausted.
Daniel took pictures of me while I was asleep.... (now I know how Josiah felt... and that was only one picture)
My right shoulder was killing me (I think from swing dancing)
Late for second hour at CFC, I fell asleep in Daniel's car and he took more pictures of me sleeping while we waited for third hour.
Very sleepy through church, but a good message about being spiritually broken, entitled "Remember To Walk With a Limp."
Lunch at Panera with Katie, Amanda, Irina, Vera, Christa, Brian, Daniel (Lui), Eric, and ....... well... I guess ME!!!!
Brian's house to watch Unbreakable. (Tony added to the group)
Katie and Amanda begged me to stay, and so I decided that I HAD to be home by Wednesday, so I would leave Tuesday night and try to see Lauren before I left.
Irina, Vera, Eric, Tony, and Katie left, and Brian, Daniel, Amanda, Christa and I went for a walk.
I rode with Lui to take Amanda and Christa home, and then back to his house to pack my stuff.
Concert at Plush with As Cities Burn, The Chariot, mewithoutYou, and Underoath.
It was amazing. I was a little late, but got there just moments before ACB started. I got some distant pictures of them, they didn't turn out real great.
Pushed closer for the Chariot. They were a lot better than I thought they'd be... I'll have to look into them.
Pushed my way up front for mewithoutYou. Had several people dropped on my, but got some good pictures.
I was going to leave halfway through Underoath, but I stayed until the end and I'm glad. I took videos from afar for Courtney (she wanted to know how they were live).
Bought some merch... got some free merch (talked with a guy from As Cities Burn and got a poster for free).
I met a girl and her mom at the promotion poster T&N / ministry merch table. I had a great idea that she ask for the poster on the wall since all the others had sold out. Only 164 of the posters were made, and she got the one that said so.... (speaking of which... I need to go get that paper from my car and add her to my friends.... I don't remember her name fully... I just know it started with a V).... Sorry :-)
Over to the Webbs' house to spend the night with Austin and get him to the airport in the morning so that he could fly out and see his family.
Up at 04:00 (with only about 2 hours of sleep) to get Austin to the Airport on time.
We were gonna stop by Krispy Kreme, but it was closed.... (what's going on... both the OP and Murray Hill area KKs closed....) So we stopped by McDonald's (can you believe it....???!!!!!!!) breakfast was okay, but not the best... but nothing else was open at 04:30 in the morning.
Got Austin to the airport and said goodbye.
Instead of leaving town as originally planned I headed back to Orange Park and parked near Chick-fil-A to wait for them to open so I could eat breakfast. I fell asleep and woke up about two hours after they opened. I drove through and got me some breakfast.
I then headed over to Cracker Barrel to do some Christmas shopping. Got some stuff for my parents... (shoot... I didn't ever get anything for Zane).
Sat in the parking lot for a while... listened to some music, fell asleep...
Woke up and went back to Target (shared parking lot with Chick-fil-A). More Christmas shopping (finished, or so I thought.... what to get Zane???)
Then I sat in that parking lot for a while. (Oh, I was sitting in parking lots waiting for people to call me back. But Brianna had lost her cell, and Katie went Christmas shopping with her mom, Amanda was at her Grandparents' house, and Daniel Lui was working).
Around 3-4 I ate at CFA again, and headed out to Brian's house.
Lui came over and we watched Back to the Future Part 2... I fell asleep cause I hadn't slept much the night before, and hadn't slept well throughout the day. Now Brian took a picture of me... (I'm sure it was Lui's idea).
Adam called and I had to ask Brian and Lui if I had been asleep. (I guess that's how tired I was...)
I spent the night at Bri's (pronounced like Brian without the 'an') house and found "The More than Complete Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams and started reading.
Morning came and I felt amazing. Revived... Refreshed.... Re-anything.... I felt GREAT.... But Lui was sick....
So Bri and I watched some Cops (that guy was eating ice cream, so he probably put his false tooth back in when he finished it. that's why he was missing a tooth one minute and had it the next)
We played "You Don't Know JACK" for a little while (probably close to an hour or something). Then we got a hold of Amanda and got ready to head out to her house.
I showed Brian and Amanda my unicycle skills (or lack there of)...
We walked down to the river and I got some good pictures of the sunset.
We hung out just talking for a while, back to Amanda's house... ate cookies, played with the dog (I had a bird named Cuddles once).
We said goodbye to Amanda and headed back to Bri's house.
I decided I would leave Bri's at 23:00 if Lauren hadn't called me.
We watched Homestar Runner cartoons and played You Don't Know JACK until 23:00 came around, and then I was off.
I stopped by Wal-Mart, taking my time, hoping Lauren would call me.
I tried calling her, but no answer. I stopped an got gas, and then I called her as I got on the road to tell her that I had tried to wait for her.
I probably went an average of 65 mph on the trip back. I wasn't in a rush... I only went over 70 like 3 times... and those were usually accidents.... combining hills and fast paced music.... but within seconds I had my foot off the pedal. I wanted to go slowly.
It was cold on the ride. My heater didn't work so well. Warm air came into the car, but it was propelled by substantially colder air.... and so it kind of nullified the point.... or something....
Thank the Webbs for the gloves they gave me for Christmas. They saved my hands.
I only stopped to get gas once, and I didn't go to the bathroom at all until I got home.
I had called Lauren at about 23:56, as I was just getting onto the highway, and I got off of the highway at 03:33. I got to my house at 03:54ish, and I was stopped to get gas for about 12 minutes. So it was about a 4 hour trip measuring from when I left the gas station and got on the highway to leave Jacksonville. About 5 hours if we include the time from Tinley's house to Wal-Mart, the gas station, and then to the highway.
Here are some pictures from SV, Swing Dancing, and then just randomly hanging out.... and also two videos of Matt dancing, and a video from Matt's last trip to Jacksonville when he was hanging out with Irina and Lui. (Photo Gallery: Matt's Pictures)
So that was my trip. I sorry if we missed each other.
I love all of you guys.
The more I spend time without you and then get to see you, the more I realize it.
I love you guys so much.
Thank you
"Your Face Here" upon my heart with GREAT love
Matthew Shane Eskuchen
Currently listening : Prepare to Be Wrong By Straylight Run Release date: By 04 October, 2005 |
Lo-Mac |
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