Monday, October 19, 2020
A Lament (CTW)
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Love Amongst the Dragons

Monday, August 31, 2020
{sitting in draft since 2015}
(This post has been sitting unpublished for five years because I didn't like the last couple lines of the poem. I had manually set the "Published on" time for the draft to 2016-03-20 at 0052. Perhaps it's time I let go of that past and share.)
I had a thought that resulted in combining two recent poems into one and adding a single line; the new title.
Unmarked Graves 2015-08-20 (0032)
What did you expect?
To pick up as if you'd never left?
This life moves on
There is no going back
The only glimpse you'll have
A snapshot in a photograph
Years of silence
I haven't written a thing
How amazing!
This wonder of expressing
Well I've been practicin' silence
Such a long time - practicin' silence
That it's so clear in my head
Every word that you said
(Well, that's every word you spoke in my head)
A simple memory
Brought it all back to me
All the moments
I can't see so clearly
Struggle and pain
Slowly weakening
A phoenix
Erupting into flame
"What did you expect of me?
That I'd just be here waiting?
This life moves on
As if it never happened
The only evidence (a historical record)
A faulty camera in your mind (What is a memory?)"
Such a long time coming my way
And I've been practicin' silence
Long enough to adapt to the sirens
Now the sounds ring
Loud in my head
It was all in my head
(Only ever in my head)
A skipping record
Left on repeat these six long years
And I've been lying in silence
I've been mastering the craft
An expert in the art
Of leaving truths unsaid
Lying in unmarked graves
And I've been practicing silence
Silently reciting all the thoughts I've never said
And I say I've been practicing silence
But in truth I've been practicing lies instead
Every love I never expressed for you
(A lie when it comes right down to the truth)
2020-08-31 (as I'm posting this)
Interesting [thinking introspectively]. I was uncomfortable with the last couple lines of this poem, and that's why I never posted it. In changing those few lines just now, I was looking back on my original document and found notes explaining what inspired this. I honestly don't remember any of this story of unmarked graves.
Here's what I wrote about this poem in 2015:
"An idea I had while listening to something by Arcade Fire (a concert of theirs on YouTube). Some song about soldiers. The imagery in my head from what I thought I heard them singing was that of Jews fleeing the Nazis in the woods.
"Then thoughts came to mind of the idea I had written about in Practicing Silence. Combining the two ideas together brought me to the thought of not being myself. Hiding in an unmarked grave while waiting for my life to begin. Or waiting for a past life to come around again."
I have more personal notes there that I'm not comfortable sharing with the world, but it's certainly a millstone for me to carry. I ended my notes with this:
"This is the first I've ever written (or spoken) about these feelings in this way. I've never expressed [...] to anyone, or anywhere except in my head. Thus the importance of tying this unmarked graves idea to the thoughts behind Practicing Silence. Practicing Silence was also somewhat tied to the thoughts behind Years of Silence. Another idea with a similar theme that just didn't come out the same.
Friday, August 7, 2020
Movie recommendations to show just how important connections are
Several movies I've seen recently and really enjoyed.
This movie was beautiful and unexpected. Just came up recommended by Netflix one day (it had just released). It deals with so many serious emotional issues that we can all relate to in one way or another, but it does it in a beautifully imaginative way that makes it approachable, even for a younger audience who may not understand. The only part I really found myself disappointed with was the villain in the end. I think the best way I can explain it is, perhaps, there is enough villainy within ourselves, that I felt the movie didn't necessarily need to push that character as a villain toward the end. I guess I'm used to Studio Ghibli movies giving everyone a redemption arc and ending stories with everyone and no one being the villain from a certain point of view. Anyway, I still highly recommend A Whisker Away.
Also, the song during the credits is beautiful and reminds me of the song Vagabonds by The Classic Crime. Here is an acoustic version of Vagabonds and you can see how they start off calm and acoustic and accidentally explode with the energy of the song. So after hearing the song from A Whisker Away, I really hope The Classic Crime will do an acoustic piano version of Vagabonds, because I imagine it would be amazing. Can you imagine Andrew McMahon covering Vagabonds? Cause I'd pay to hear that!
As mentioned in my last post, watching this movie is kind of what led me back here to the blog. It was really emotional and I don't know how to express how I felt about it. If you've ever fallen in love with the disembodied voice of someone on the phone, and then felt lost once the phone call ended, perhaps that is the feeling. I'm really not sure, but I really loved this movie.
Another movie I watched a couple weeks ago was Bright. It also brought about the realization that three years have passed and I'm behind the times again, but it sure isn't. Bright was also incredible in it's own way, touching very heavily on racial issues. I'm sarcastically certain that this movie inspired Disney/Pixar's Onward. It focuses on Will Smith, a human detective with the LAPD, who has been unwillingly partnered with the first orc police officer in a trial program that everyone not-so-secretly hopes will fail. The partners respond to a call and end up on the run trying to protect a young elf with a very illegal magical artifact. The racial tensions are out of control and I'd almost say this movie was ahead of it's time. I guess it wasn't that popular when it came out, but I loved it and really hope their's more to come. It felt like there were a lot of loose ends, and I'd really like to see more of the alternate world they created.
I guess I've been on a fantasy kick lately, because I also watched The Shannara Chronicles a couple months back and proceeded to read the first two Shannara books by Terry Brooks.
Anyway, three recommendations is good for now. In writing this post, I've been noticing the theme of connection and thinking just how important it is to the human spirit.