Saturday, September 8, 2018

"Not Done With You Yet"


Hello, old friend. It's been so long.
A blog! What's that? This used to be a place of freedom. A place to share with the people who weren't listening.
I want to write.
I keep watching videos on YouTube and thinking 'I used to have something to say.' Now I just have things to not say. Strangely enough, that seems to be the theme of all "recent" blog posts--silence.

Hmm... Just had the thought to look it up. It looks like I started this Blogger blog back in either Jan 2008 or late 2007 and added in all my old LiveJournal and MySpace posts. So this might be my 10-year anniversary year-ish, although I haven't really been active for a number of years.

But back to silence and breaking.
My work supervisor sat me down for a talk today. Recommended I go talk to someone (get professional help).
I imagine it's because I left a sticky note on my desk with a Jars of Clay quote on it:
"I have no fear of drowning, it's the breathing that's taking all this work" which taken out of the context of the song could seem like a reason to be concerned.

There's also been a lot of stress in life lately. Cancer in the family tends to have that effect.
All the things in my head that I could say... You know when there should be inspiration, but what you get just falls flat. Think of Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith.

I wish I could just pour my heart out. I feel like I put my life on pause 10 years ago and it's becoming so exhausting to keep moving on without it.

My supervisor's not wrong. I am stressed and I do probably need to talk to someone, but no matter who it is, it's not who I want to talk to.

Perhaps it can just be you for now. Perhaps I'll be back soon. Maybe I'll find my way back from tired to inspired.

Currently Listening to:
How To Be Human

How To Be Human

Apr 28, 2017
by The Classic Crime and Vocal Few


Becorath said...

There's always someone to listen. I was stoked to see a new blog post from you after so long. Blogs are great to help express what is on your mind.

Forgotten Legacy said...

Hey man! It was great to see this comment. I was only two years late. I mentioned the fact that I found this comment two years later in another post titled "her". Not that you need to go read it, just letting you know it was good to hear from you. I miss you, and all friends. I know isolation has been tough for everyone lately, but I feel like I've been isolating for the past 10 years or so.