Current mood:
Category: Blogging Okay, so here it is, something like 02:13 in the morning, I have to write an essay in my 1102 class tomorrow (Tuesday, so today really). I'm not really at all prepared for this essay, but I don't care.
I'm really cold.
I'm not too tired.
I'm looking through pictures of when I was last visiting Jacksonville and some of them are about to make me cry.
I miss my family.
I'm feeling really lonely right now.
MySpace is going postal on me (but what's new about that?)
I got to visit the Webb's new house. Thank you for letting me stay.
Jonathan and I fell asleep on Austin's bed, so Austin took my camera.
Jonathan, Matt, and Austin in the crowd at the Emery concert. (Doesn't Austin look like he belongs in a band?)
Look Lauren, Zane likes coffee too.
He was dancing like crazy while we watched Son-In-Law.
I got an A on my presentation in Psychology today. I did a good job. I'm happy about that.
I wrote a short poem like a week ago...
11-07-2005 (00:40)
Arise and take reign
Of this throne you've been robbed
I've crowned my nameless self ruler
A black arrow pierced heart
The very warmth of my blood
Be it stolen away
And passed by the dying stalks
To know the dream is dead
I don't think it has much of anything to do with the pictures I'm seeing, cause even seeing pictures of people I don't really even know are making me sad. It's an overwhelming sadness...
I don't want it to be here.
Anyway, I guess it's about a quarter till three now. I guess I'll go to bed. I'm hungry. Maybe eating would help.
"Your Face Here" upon my lonely heart
Matthew Shane
Currently listening : I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning By Bright Eyes Release date: By 25 January, 2005 |
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Lo-Mac |
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