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Category: Blogging
So, I went to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Friday night. I was slightly disappointed cause so much was cut out, but overall it was well put together. Well, anyway, it was a very interesting experience, going to see the movie. I was with Josiah and Jesse (guy from the Baptist College of FL with Josiah).
First off, I think Josiah left the theater with like 3 new girlfriends. Not really, but he did keep the 3 girls next to us entertained throughout the movie with random silly outbursts. His outbursts were funny, but they started getting annoying cause it seemed like he was flirting with the girls (which I know he wasn't meaning to).
So yeah, # 1, Josiah ends up with three girlfriends from Alabama.
Second odd thing about the night, Jesse seemed to be genuinely TERRIFIED at certain points in the movie. So, while Josiah was making the girls laugh... Jesse was making me laugh because he was hanging on to my arm trembling. It was an interesting experience.
So, # 2, I had a guy hanging on my arm trembling with fear.
And then to top off the night, I was feeling extremely nostalgic. I missed Megan terribly for some reason. One of the 3 girls next to us looked very much like Rachel, and Hermione (from the movie, Emma Watson) looks almost exactly like Tammy. I'm sure some of you don't know any of those 3 stories, but I think I'll just call them like the 3 great affairs of my teenage years (or something).
Anyway, to be brief, whatever went on between Tammy and me is what caused me to start writing poetry quite a few, several years ago (back in 2002 thinks I). Some of these poems are still among my favorites. Rachel had me writing more of my favorite poems. And Megan..... well.... She has been my one and only "girlfriend" in my 19 years of life thus far, and well.... Anyway, the girls in these stories all have at least one thing in common.... I loved them dearly.... To me, they were like a rare treasures, but they apparently weren't mine to claim.
So, that's what I have to say about the Harry Potter movie. To explain more history on my danger of going to new Harry Potter movies.... when I saw the third movie in (I think) summer of 2004, I was depressed for like 3 weeks because of how much Emma Watson resembles my friend Tammy. At least it wasn't that bad for this movie. This movie I was feeling nostalgic going into, so I came out feeling disappointed that so much had been left out. The house elves weren't even mentioned (honorably or dishonorably). Rita Skeeter's part in the story was, for the most part, left out. And what's with the rock band at the ball??? For shame. They should have just made two parts to the movie. Fans wouldn't have cared. As a matter of fact, fans would probably be happier. And the makers would have made more money. Usually I'm against such tactics, but for the betterment of some things I would condone the use of.... um making extra money.... or something....
Anyway, it was a pretty good movie, if you haven't read the book you probably won't be as disappointed as I am, but you will still probably feel like there's something missing, and to be honest, there's quite a bit missing.
I'll stop boring you with my trifles though.... And so with...
"Your Face Here" upon my heart with love
Matthew Shane (Mahi) Eskuchen
Currently listening : Son, I Loved You at Your Darkest By As Cities Burn Release date: By 21 June, 2005 |
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