A line each day to create a poem and start writing and blogging again.
Keep an eye out (20120829)
They're hiding in the cutting grass (20120901)
Wait lay us down to rest (in peace) (20120902)
Rise before the sun and run!! (20120904)
Utterly overwhelmed (20120905)
Praised for what we must become (20120907)
Sleeping one eye opened for the sun (20120914)
Hidden like a child behind closed eyes (20120917)
As they plant the disease in us all (20120918)
Dreams keep me far from sleep (20120919)
Writhing to escape (20120920)
Forgetting the projected goals (20120929)
I haven't the energy for sleep (20120930)
When all things lost become found (20121001)
Under the blinding artificial lights (20121002)
Withdrawal to the peace of the mountains above (20121004)
Returning to be violently dismissed (20221005)
The painkillers now sleep me through the days (20121007)
As you can see by the dates, this didn't entirely work out. I wasn't disciplined enough to write every day. I ended up forgetting for a couple days, then I'd remember, then I'd forget again. I tracked everything in Evernote.
In the end, I forgot. The last two lines refer to drugs I was prescribed for an injury I received after returning from vacation. That led to my forgetting to write before I became too busy to remember.
I'm open to any comments and improvement ideas for taking on a future project if you think there may be a better way than Evernote.
I'm also just interested to know and hear from anyone who might be reading this.